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NGA? AKC? You decide... [Quiz Answers]
AKC Greyhound? NGA Greyhound? Quiz Answers
1 hound 2 hound
1) All AKC bred CH/F.CH & GCA versatility dog 2) All AKC bred CH & Coursing Champion
3 hound 4 hound
3) NGA racer 4) Both all AKC bred. CH on left
5 hound 6 hound
5) AKC/NGA bred CH/F.CH & GCA versatility dog 6) NGA racer
7 hound 8 hound
7) AKC/NGA bred 8) AKC-Same dog as on right in photo 4
9 hound 10 hound
9) All NGA racers 10) All AKC CH
11 hound 12 hound
11) All NGA CH/F.CH/Oval Track Racing CH 12) NGA racer
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