The VETMED ListVETMED is a moderated email list for the discussion of veterinary and animal health issues. It is open to all who are interested in these subjects.To subscribe to the list, send email with a blank subject line to: In the body of the message, type: SUB VETMED Yourfirstname Yourlastname (Example: SUB VETMED James Herriott DVM) You must include your name in the request. We do not accept anonymous subscriptions or those using business names or obvious pseudonyms. The message must be sent in Plain Text. This means no attachments, no encoding, no signature file. List-related links: + VETMED archives (for subscribers only) + Configuring Mail Clients to Send Plain Text Articles from VETMED by Stacy (list moderator): + Risk, raw feeding, and pathogens: a review + Information on "counterfeit" pesticides + Phosphorus content of dog food + Microchips and cancer: a review + Dog food articles, including pentobarbital level residue information Articles from VETMED from subscribers: Fred Lanting: Ear Crud (MS Word .doc format) Useful Veterinary Information Sites: + This site and the associated email list tracks emerging infectious diseases. + PubMed Medical index from the National Library of Medicine. + IVIS Veterinary texts and related resources. + University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School's Computer Aided Learning E-books, interactive diagnostic manuals and more. + |